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Master Your Minerals

An online course that teaches you how to interpret and understand your hair mineral analysis (HTMA).

We use hair mineral analysis with all of our 1:1 and group coaching clients. HTMA can help you understand what is most important to prioritize on your hormone healing journey. We are so excited to share this course and make HTMA available to as many women as possible.

The goal is to have this course available in June 2021.

Hair Mineral Testing

The course will include a way for you to order a hair mineral test within the US, as well as resources for companies to order from outside the US.


We walk you through the essential parts of the HTMA and break down what they mean and different scenarios (high calcium/copper/iron, deficiencies, etc.).

Healing Journey Guidance

There are resources on the next best steps based on your HTMA results and how to prioritize food, supplements, and lifestyle changes to best support your body.

Get on the waitlist to be the first to know when this course is available.

We currently have a growing waitlist for our Hair Mineral Analysis Results Review. While we would love to offer this service to everyone, it's not realistic since we are only a two-person team. This is what drove us to create the Master Your Minerals course to allow more women to gain access to hair mineral testing and take action based on their results.

Master Your Minerals!

    Your information will never be shown, shared, or sold to anyone. By registering for this free trainnig you will also receive, as a bonus, a free subscription to the Feminine Periodical e-newsletter filled with helpful women's health information. You can unsubscribe at any time.